Inglewood Mt Lawley Community Garden has a focus on building a strong sense of community and belonging through gardening and gathering for social events. 

Membership Fees:

Individual Membership: $20
Concession Membership: $15
Family Membership: $40
Private Plot Lease: $80
No Current Private Plot Vacancies - Accepting Waitlist Applications

If you would like to become a member of our gardening community, please fill in the form below to submit your application:

Garden Membership

Members receive regular updates and emails, keeping you informed of scheduled events, Busy Bees and Open Sheds. During Open Sheds and task and Harvest events, we plant, care for the Garden and share the harvest amongst members as it is available. Financial members are eligible to vote in General Meetings and are eligible to serve on our management committee. For more information about member rights and responsibilities, please see our Garden Constitution on our website. New membership applications can be submitted at any time. Memberships lapse on June 30th of each year and require renewal to continue as a financial member. 

Private Plots

Garden Plots are subject to availability and can be leased for individual and exclusive use. Approximate area of each plot is 2-2.4 square meters.

You must be a financial members to apply for a plot lease. All plot holders must adhere to guidelines set out by the Committee in the Garden Rules/Code of Conduct.

Application Confirmation


*All applications are reviewed and formally confirmed by the Committee. Membership fee invoice will be sent to your email via Square. Please get in touch if you have any further questions.