25 May

Some big news for the Garden: we have been successful in receiving not one, but 3 grants!

Lottery West Grants has granted $15,000, the WA Department of Communities has granted $10,000 through it's Community Gardens program, and Open Gardens WA has granted $5000! 

This funding will all be going towards our patio roof, which will mean we can stay out of the sun, and stay dry if it rains. The design will include and area that will be utilised for our own seedling an plant propagation area.

This has been a long time coming, so it is very exciting that it will finally become a reality, and will be a wonderful addition to the garden space both in terms of function and aesthetics. A special thank you to all the people who helped with grant applications, to all who helped with creating and refining the design, and of course a big thank you to our three grant providers! 

We will keep our members informed as plans for construction are organised. In the meantime, here are some drawing showing roughly how the final result might look.

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